‘Browse Safe’ is a public Domain Name System (DNS) to protect individual and household users of the Internet from falling prey to cyber attackers.
Karnataka has introduced a security net initiative to protect people from various cyber frauds. Karnataka IT and BT Minister Priyank Kharge has launched a free-to-use online safety service for citizens named Browse Safe. The service has been deployed by the Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security (CySecK).
Browse Safe blocks malicious websites as its functionalities prevent internet traffic from accessing harmful websites, including phishing sites, malware or viruses, and sites attempting to steal personal information
A security net initiative to safeguard people from all kinds of cyber frauds, Browse Safe is a public Domain Name System (DNS). Browse Safe is a first-of-its-kind initiative in India to protect people from falling prey cyber attackers.
The technology backbone for Browse Safe is provided by Belagavi-based startup Shreshta IT Technologies Pvt Ltd.
‘Browse Safe’ includes a feature to block adult content, ensuring the safety of children during their online activities. Moreover, it prioritizes user privacy by collecting minimal user activity data, strictly avoiding any personal or private information.