Every day, the weather impacts us all. IBM’s analytical systems pull in 162 individual forecast models, and deliver 26 billion forecasts a day. IBM launchs all-new version of The Weather Channel App, that would aid people everywhere to have the same industry-grade technology in the palm of their hands.
By providing insights based on more location and weather data than many,if not all,other companies in the world, The Weather Company creates products and tools that help people get ahead of the weather.
IBM’s technology, experts, and scientists help extract the signal from the noise to go beyond the forecast and help businesses make critical decisions. Since IBM and The Weather Company came together three years ago, IBM have created the world’s most advanced forecasting engine—an IoT, machine learning platform that learns “on the fly” from billions of data points to make accurate predictions of the future weather.
IBM offers the most precise, personalized and actionable weather data and insights to millions of consumers and more than 3,500 businesses. They deliver about 26 billion forecasts a day, covering 2.2 billion locations around the globe every 15 minutes.
Their data platform is one of the largest IoT platforms in the world, processing 400 terabytes of data every single day from a variety of worldwide sources.
People everywhere rely on technology from The Weather Company, an IBM Business, to run their businesses smarter and more efficiently.